Per combattere la delusione, oggi mi sono divertita a creare degli outfits autunnali (o di fine estate), reduce da una giornata di shopping in centro a Milano con la sorella fashionista che mi ha spiegato tutte le nuove tendenze per la nuova stagione.
E se da un lato ho un sacco di idee per i miei lavoretti, ho voluto giocare un po' al piccolo stilista, attingendo dai capacissimi archivi di Polyvore.
I have borrowed a keyboard so I can write a bit until I wait for someone to mend my poor pc.
The weather forecast said that yesterday there shoud have been storms and hail and everybody was expecting disasters. It rained a little bit yesterday evening, just to lower the temperature for a while. Today it's sunny just as the last weeks. It's windy and this helps, but stil no rain. The poor trees and flowers in the city are suffering too much. Obviously I had fooled myself and I had believed it was true. I fear that the change of temperature is still far away.
To fight the disappointment I have spent the afternoon enjoying myself in creating new outfits for the autumn (or the end of the summer), after having spent a whole day shopping with my glamorous sister in Milan. She has explained me all the new trends for the season. This has given me new ideas for my crafts and today I played at "little fashion designer" with the help of the great Polyvore databases.
Quindi ecco a voi qualche abbinamento sullo stile "maculato" che la farà da padrone quest'autunno e inverno insieme alle finte pellicce (finte, mi raccomando!!)
e i colori che amo tanto: marrone, arancio, verde scuro, granato e senape.
So here we have some animalier outfits, with faux fur (please, note, faux!!), some romantic pink lace (though I associate it more to spring than autumn) and the colours I love: brown, orange, mustard, dark green and granate.
Too funny!
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