Vi avevo promesso una novità nel mondo Tilda, no? Ebbene è uscito l'ultimo libro (Sommerliv), con progetti deliziosi tutti legati al mondo del mare, tra meduse, balene e velieri.
E queste adorabili bambole, agghindate per una passeggiata lungo la spiaggia... ma fa ancora freddo! Allora hanno preso in fretta un bel golfino fatto a mano, abbinato all'abito sui toni del bianco/blu/azzurro e agli stivaloni per non bagnarsi i piedi...
Hi there! Today it's a bit better... I knew it would pass!
I had promised you some news into the Tilda world, didn't I? Well, it has just been published the last book with lovely projects related to the sea world, among jellyfish, whales and ships.
And these wonderful ladies, ready to go out to take a stroll along the shore... but it's still cold! SO they have grabbed a nice cardigan, handknitted, to go together with the dress, all in the white, blue and cream tones, and the boots, to protect their feet...
Dark blue and cream spring doll (Tilda) |
Dark blue and cream spring doll (Tilda) |
Non vi portano con la fantasia lungo una spiaggia del Mare del Nord, o in Cornovaglia on in Bretagna, mentre cercano i tesori che il mare abbandona sul bagnasciuga?
I could not resist and I made two of them! What do you think? Aren't they lovely?
Don't they take you immediately to a Northern Sea shore or in Cornwall or in Brittany looking for the treasures the sea leaves on the seashore??
Blue and white spring doll (Tilda) |
Blue and white spring doll (Tilda) |
I'm not a sea lover, I get bored lying on a beach and I don't like the hot but this kind of sea, a winter/spring sea... it's so inspirational!! I really want some delicate things right now...
Dark blue and cream spring doll (Tilda) |
Blue and white spring doll (Tilda) |
See ya!
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