La prima è tutta arancione, lavorata con un filato che crea delle simpaticissime ruches decorate al fondo da un susseguirsi di piccolissimi pom pom! Divertentissima!
Here you are three other scarves/neckwarmers that I realized on sunday afternoon thanks to a day of bad weather and car circulation stop which made me even more willing to stay at home with a cup of tea (did I need that??) :)
The first one is completely orange and it's made with a yarn which creates wonderful ruffles decorated at the bottom by small pom poms. Very funny!!
orange scarflette |
La seconda, invece, è più seria, sfuma dal grigio tenue al panna, anch'essa forma le ruches impreziosite da un sottile filo di lurex che le rende scintillanti ma in questa è più evidente la lavorazione a rete del filato.
The second one, instead, is a bit more serious, its colour varies from soft grey to ivory, it has the ruffles too which are made more precious and sparkling by a lurex floss inside the yarn. In this one the "net effect" of the yarn is more evident.
grey and ivory scarflette |
La terza, di cui sono innamorata e vorrei riproporre anche in altri colori, sfuma dal grigio all'oro passando per l'avorio e anche in questa le ruches terminano don i piccoli pom pom grigi.
Velocissime da fare e di grande effetto!
Valorizzano un maglioncino un po' anonimo, un vestito tinta unita oppure spuntano divertenti da cappotti seriosi....
The third and last, which I'm madly in love with and I'd like to recreate also in other colours, varies from grey to gold passing through ivory and has the small grey pom poms at the bottom of the ruffles.
They're quick and easy to make but very effective!
They give light to a common little pull or to a one-coloured dress, or they find their place, funnily, under a serius overcoat....
grey, ivory and gold scarflette |
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