Allora ecco a voi la piccola Tilda di ritorno dal Regno del Drago.
Ho voluto sfruttare un taglio di seta bianca che ho acquistato proprio là (in genere quando viaggio nella borsa dei souvenir, tra regalini per amici e parenti, un bell'oggetto per la mia casa che mi ricordi il viaggio fatto, un po' di sabbia, terra, sassi o conghiglie del Paese che sto visitando c'è sempre anche qualche stoffa, nastro, pietre o accessori craftosi).
E in Cina avevo acquistato due tagli di seta cinese, uno rosso con stampati dei draghi e uno bianco con piccoli motivi circolari. E con qualche avanzo ho confezionato questo piccolo abito da sera, che poi ho impreziosito con perline e paillettes.
Ma innanzitutto qualche immagine di questo viaggio (la selezione è sempre molto difficile!).
Queste sono acune foto scattate tra Shanghai, Pechino, Xi'an, Guilin, Da-Xu, il fiume Li e la Grande Muraglia.
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My best memories from China |
We're still talking of China as Saturday it's gonna start the Chinese New Year.
So, here you are the little Tilda back from the Kingdom of the Dragon.
For her I wanted to use some white silk I bought there (in my souvenir bag, when I travel, among little presents for family and friends, a nice object for my home to recall the travel, some sand/shells/rocks taken during the trip, there's always some fabric, ribbons, beads or some other craft materials).
In China I had bought two kinds of silk, one in red with dragons and one in white with some little circular patterns. So I used some scraps from this one to create an evening dress, to which I have addes beads and sequins.
But first of all, some pics from this trip (selecting pics is always the hardest part!)
These are some pictures taken in Shanghai, Beijing, Xi'an, Guilin, Da-Xu, the river Li and the Great Wall.
Dalla Cina, dunque, ecco questa signorina (cantante di jazz nella ex-concessione francese degli anni 20?) con un abito tradizionale smanicato e colletto alla coreana.
From China, here you are this little miss (a jazz singer in the Twenties French ex-concession?) with a traditional dress without sleeves and with a korean collar.
Chinese doll |
The dress is in white silk on which have been added transparent beads and light red sequins to stress the circular patterns of the fabric. The closure of the dress is made with two grey-transparent baguette-beads and a charm in silver with an ideogram.
Chinese doll - silk decoration and dress closure |
Al polso porta due bracciali in perline e barrette grigio-trasparenti e gli orecchini sono fatti con due cristallini trasparenti e una piccola pietra quadrata rossa.
Hair is worn in a high twist in which are inserted three small red and silver lanterns. On her wrist she wears a couple of bracelets in grey-transparent baguette-beads and her earrings are made of two transparent crystals and a small red bead.
Chinese doll - jewellery and hair closeup |
Chinese doll - bracelets |
What do you think about her?? (unfortunately I haven't been able to make her pose in front of the world panel....)
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